April 29th Compilation

The Daily Spur: satisfied https://thedailyspur.wordpress.com/2022/04/29/satisfied/
Three Things Challenge: stripe, oval, beam https://pensitivity101.wordpress.com/2022/04/29/three-things-challenge-948/
FOWC: pinnacle https://fivedotoh.com/2022/04/29/fowc-with-fandango-pinnacle/
YDWP: queue https://onedailyprompt.wordpress.com/2022/04/29/your-daily-word-prompt-Queue-ydwordprompt-april-29-2022/
WOTD: terrapin https://wordofthedaychallenge.wordpress.com/2022/04/29/w-o-t-d-c-terrapin/
Ragtag: smarmy https://ragtagcommunity.wordpress.com/2022/04/29/rdp-friday-smarmy/
EM’s RWP: Chutzpah https://emkingston.wordpress.com/2022/04/29/e-m-s-rwp-149-chutzpah/

The Turtle

A cute little terrapin in a striped and oval shell
Satisfied his hunger in a way he knew real well
He started at the bottom ignoring smarmy rants
Waiting for his turn in the queue
Understanding circumstance
Heading to the pinnacle, determined he would win
A beam of light excited and invigorated him
For at the top of the peak there stood a tiny bug
He thought it over eagerly and waited for a hug.
The little tiny Chutzpah had made it to the top
Now his short and tired legs knew that they could stop.

©2022 CBialczak Poetry


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