Share your World

Melanie, thank you for the questions this week!


Are you a sweet, sour, tangy or other type of person?  Take that as you will! 😉

I am usually a sweet person. I can get tangy when feeling compelled but I typically laugh at myself and return to normal. I try not to be sour, at least not on the outside. I don’t mind sharing my problems but there is a line between expressing and whining, in my opinion.

Does the whole coronavirus phenomenon worry you?  Or are you more a “meh – it’s just another severe flu scare” type of person?

I am nervous about it in the sense that I just cancelled a flight and will now be driving south. I don’t want to be in such close quarters as an airplane when so many people could be carrying the virus and perhaps don’t wash hands, etc. like they should. I’m also a bit more concerned because so much is still unknown. I have people in my life who are elderly, who have suppressed immune systems, etc., as do most people, and I don’t want to be a carrier or someone to spread it unknowingly.

When was the last time you were snooping, and found something you wish you hadn’t?

This has been quite a long time. I think probably about 5 years or so I found an empty liquor bottle under my son’s bed. Needless to say, rest his soul, that was not the only bottle ever left there!

What’s the most pleasant sounding accent in your personal opinion?   Everyone has a pleasing accent to someone! 

What are my choices? Lol!

One comment

  1. Thank you Christine for Sharing Your World! Very astute answers too! You make an excellent point about hygiene and how seriously or not some people take that. I think you’re wise not to fly, but to drive! Safer certainly!


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