E.M.’s Sunday Ramble Prompt #23

Check out the prompt here: https://emkingston.wordpress.com/2022/05/08/e-m-s-sunday-ramble-prompt-23/

Here are the questions:

  1. When did you start your blog? I started my blog in 2018/2019 shortly after losing my first husband. I had always wanted to have a blog but never pursued it. Then I had some extra time on my hands. As many of my “friends” here know, when I told my sister I wanted to start blogging she simply told me that “no one wants to hear you crying about your dead husband”.
  2. Did you start with a theme, or did it come later on? I didn’t start with a theme because I purposely did NOT want it to be all doom and gloom…about death and so forth. All I knew was that I wanted to have a positive place to find people with similar minds and attitudes who had similar interests. I didn’t even really know what “blogging” was.
  3. What is your favorite post that you have ever written on your blog? Wow, I don’t know. I have had a few that have gotten lots of comments, some not so much. I think some of the ones I wrote about losing my son were good, those had so much feeling in them. This one, though, is one of my favorites, it is about my dad, who now lives in a memory care facility who has Alzheimer’s and Dementia. https://christinebialczak.com/2020/03/26/my-dad/
  4. Do you share your blog with friends and family, or do you keep your blogging world separate from them? I have certainly mentioned it. I know a few people who will on the odd occasion mention that they read something I wrote, but that is usually because my posts go to Facebook and Twitter. Every now and again David will say that he liked something I wrote but I don’t think anyone actually goes to my blog to check it out.
  5. What is the best advice you could give someone who is new to blogging? Be honest, be yourself, don’t harp on all the negative, especially if you don’t want to heed any advice, and join in challenges. The challenges have really helped me 1. meet other bloggers, 2. improve my writing, and 3. write in other ways than I ever would have even known about.


  1. Hi Christine! Sometimes we forget that others criticize what makes Them uncomfortable, so they try to discourage us from doing something that would make them feel that way. I think your “doom and gloom” could potentially help others because some of us are here because of a loss, trauma, disability, etc. Your poem about your dad, I could relate to because I lost my grandmother to the same disease. Like Di, I am so thankful I get to be your follower, and I enjoy your prompts and compilations 🙂 I also love looking at your miniatures! Thanks for rambling with me, Christine 🙂

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