Reunited: Story Challenge in 99-words

May 16, 2022, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about when a newly released prisoner meets the disabled veteran who adopted the puppy the prisoner trained behind bars. The prompt is based on the short story I wrote for Marsha Ingrao’s Story Chat. Yes, rewrite my story in your words, 99, no more, no less. Go where the prompt leads! Find this prompt and the story at Carrot Ranch

Jessie stepped off the bus into the dusty heat. Instantly his lips dried and his throat felt scratchy. 
Walking into the station, Jessie looked around. The old guy at the counter looked up.
Can I help you?”
“Sure, I’m looking for Merle.”
The old guy stood up and Jessie noticed he was missing his right arm. 
Bounding out behind him a golden lab ran at Jessie.
“Darn dog! Stay!”
Jessie caught the dog in his arms and smiled. “Hey, girl!”
“How do you know my dog?”
“I was her trainer, up at the prison. She must’ve recognized my voice.”

2022 CBialczak


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