Simply 6 Minutes – Welcome to the Challenge: 06/11/2024

Today’s prompt is:


This is a picture of a model in a dress that looks like its plastic and full of air

*****For any participants that do NOT like restrictions, please feel free to participate in any way you would like. It is great to read the contributions!****

  1. Set up a timer or sit near a clock so you can keep track of the six minutes you will be writing.
  2. You can either use one of the prompts (photo or written) or you can free-write.
  3. Get ready and write for 6 minutes, that is it! Can you write a complete story? Can you think of a new Sonnet? Can you write 400 words? 400? 500? There are no restrictions on what kind of writing you do, but you should try to be actively writing for six minutes.
  4. After you are done writing, include your word count and then post back to this page #Simply6Minutes or include your link in the comments section. Pingbacks are enabled.
  5. *Feel free to leave your work completely unedited. I believe it is good to see, especially for new writers, that even very seasoned writers don’t write a perfect first draft.*
  6. Have fun, challenge yourself if you’d like, read and respond to others’ posts.

Thank you for participating!



  1. […] The new clothing line was appropriately called, Orwellian Fashion. It expressed the modern upside-down concept of Truth and Beauty in a “nutshell”.Science and health programs had effectively been compromised, beauty pageants had been captured, and human ‘common sense’ eliminated through the ‘anti-human’ pervasive ideology of “wokeness”.Suspension of all that may improve health and longevity had been fully implemented in favor of making everyone “feel good”. The accusations of the unkind act of “fat shaming” had turned the entire Pop Culture into “fat praising” fanatics. Orwell’s dystopian predictions had finally been realized.Morbidly obese people weren’t living longer, or better, even though they were being granted imaginary benefits of their unhealthy lifestyles with heroic popularity. The intelligence quotient had predeceased the body mass index as planned. […]


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