Simply 6 Minutes – Welcome to the Challenge: 06/04/2024

Today’s prompt is:

Image source: slappy2982

This is a picture of someone who got a haircut in the shape of a rat on the back of their head.

*****For any participants that do NOT like restrictions, please feel free to participate in any way you would like. It is great to read the contributions!****

  1. Set up a timer or sit near a clock so you can keep track of the six minutes you will be writing.
  2. You can either use one of the prompts (photo or written) or you can free-write.
  3. Get ready and write for 6 minutes, that is it! Can you write a complete story? Can you think of a new Sonnet? Can you write 400 words? 400? 500? There are no restrictions on what kind of writing you do, but you should try to be actively writing for six minutes.
  4. After you are done writing, include your word count and then post back to this page #Simply6Minutes or include your link in the comments section. Pingbacks are enabled.
  5. *Feel free to leave your work completely unedited. I believe it is good to see, especially for new writers, that even very seasoned writers don’t write a perfect first draft.*
  6. Have fun, challenge yourself if you’d like, read and respond to others’ posts.

Thank you for participating!



  1. My six minutes

    I didn’t really want to go. I just wanted a quiet celebration, maybe a lot of alcohol and a decent meal, perhaps some dancing, but it wasn’t up to me.

    Jon organised it, which should have been a red flag. He had a well earned reputation for breaking rules and general mischief. After all, it was Jon who handcuffed Adam to the female stripper, disguised as a policewoman, at Adam’s 30thbirthday bash. And then hid the key in an escape room for the scantily dressed couple to find.

    So when Jon told us eight of us were going away to a woodland escape for the weekend, I should have been forewarned. But these things have a certain momentum, and one Friday evening, we found ourselves piling into a minibus and heading off into the country to a log cabin.

    Well, I don’t have time to give you all the details. And to be honest, I can’t remember much of it, thanks to the alcohol we consumed.

    Needless to say, I woke up on the Sunday morning to find myself lying face down on the floor, with no-one else in the cabin. The minibus had disappeared and all that was left was a pile of hair and an electric hair-clipper.

    Which all explains why I had to go down the aisle the next Saturday, with this terrible haircut, and why my wife’s family aren’t talking to me anymore.

    But, next year Jon has told us he’s getting married. And revenge will be mine. gary stark


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  2. […] Marv had “pushed people’s buttons” since before he could walk.The main reason that he delighted in ‘bothering’ folks was his deep dislike of being told ‘what to do’.Rules seemed mostly arbitrary to him. They stifled creativity and freedoms that he felt entitled to.Marv would argue that sandals were actually “shoes” in ancient times at the doors of fancy restaurants. He’d walked backward down aisles marked “one way” during the Covid nonsense. And now, he was told to cut off his “rat tail” hairdo just to please his instructor’s ‘tastes’.This not only maddened him, but it also stirred his lifelong instinct of ‘thumbing his nose’ at overbearing people.So, Marv thought of a marvelous statement of his independence. […]

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