Quadrille #180: Pouring Out Our Poems

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Pen us a poem of exactly 44 words, including some form of the word water, and post the poem on your own blog with a link back to this post. Link your poem up using the Mr. Linky below.

Come Join Me

Come sit right down and take a seat, and have a drink, here’s food to eat

Please relax with me, hear a tale, of ocean mist, as we set sail

Through past events and love gone by, as minutes tick and as times fly

©2023 CBialczak


  1. Sounds very hospitable. Will I get invited
    to join the cruise? A Cabinmate perhaps?
    Cheaper for both of us that way.


      • Good Morning, CHRISTINE ~

        I wasn’t able to find a Mr. Linky thingy embedded anywhere on this page, or anywhere else for that matter. (Maybe it’s a WordPress thang?) But, no matter. I was just foolin’ around anyhow. (I ain’t a poet, and I know it.)

        But, hey, since I’ve got your attention here, let me add a few more bits of info regarding ‘Battle Of The Bands’, which I neglected to inform you of previously.

        1) A couple of our BOTB voters reside in Canada, so before embedding a song video, it’s always a good idea to make sure the video is accessible in Canada. This site will show you EVERYWHERE a video will and will not play:


        2) Many BOTBers have found this website very helpful when looking for songs to use in BOTB match-ups:


        “SecondHandSongs is a collaborative website that maintains a global database of mainly cover versions of original works.”

        I have used that site occasionally over the years. It lets one know just how many cover versions of a song have been recorded and who the artists were. A lot of times, more obscure cover versions will not show up at YouTube when one does a general search by the title. But when you have an artist or group’s name to go with the song title, suddenly YouTube will remember that it does exist. (I’m not YouTube’s biggest fan.)

        3) Although a few BOTBers will also sometimes post a Battle on the 15th of the month, most of us post Battles only on the 1st day of each month. And as I wrote earlier, there are NO real rules etched in stone, but traditionally what we do is leave the ‘Voting Window’ open for seven days. And then on (or around) the 8th day of the month, the BOTBer will publish a ‘BOTB RESULTS’ post which includes their own personal vote between the contestants they chose to use in the contest, and gives a Final Tally showing who the winner was.

        Naturally, people are different, so the BOTB experience varies. For me, the best thing about the 10 years of ‘Battle Of The Bands’ has been meeting new people and having the opportunity to interact with my voters in the Comment Sections. I’ve made some good friends through this endeavor, and it’s been F-U-N having discussions. There’s a whole lot of history between myself and my voters, so sometimes comments are loaded with mysterious references to people and events from the past. I’m sure there are times when some of my visitors read a string of comments and ask themselves: “What in the world are they yakking about?!”

        Last Note: For a decade now, I have been saying, “There is only one thing about ‘Battle Of The Bands’ that you can be sure of, and that is: you CAN’T be sure of anything!” BOTB is full of surprises. As soon as you think you’ve got it all figured out and can predict the outcome of every Battle, you’ll be astonishingly proven wrong. As soon as you think you’ve got a certain voter’s musical tastes completely nailed down, they will step outside of that box you thought you had them in. The CONVERSATIONS & the SURPRISES — those are the things that have kept me interested in ‘Battle Of The Bands’ for these many years.

        I’m looking forward to seeing & hearing your debut Battle on August 1st!

        ~ D-FensDogG

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