Getting caught up: Friday Fictioneers

Micah ran through the scenario in his head. How had that woman gotten so far into his life, actually entangled in his life, without him accepting it. First, it had been a conversation, then dinner. One thing led to another and next he knew, Jess was moving in. He loved her but not enough to spend the rest of his life with her. Yes, it was only moving in, not getting married, but wasn’t this the first step?

Micah chuckled, thinking about how a spider weaves a beautiful web practically out of nowhere, yet all of a sudden the web is there, ready to catch its prey. That is precisely what life was doing to him. He couldn’t even remember making so many decisions but he must have, things were different now.

Well, his life might now be some big sticky web but he felt like he was caught, he knew he had to get out, and someday he would.


  1. I feel like men were getting a bad rap in a lot of these stories (my own included!) so it was nice to balance it out a bit; spiders can come from both sides. Nice ambiguity woven in…he doesn’t really want this, but isn’t strong enough to oppose. And so it starts.

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