Melissa’s Fandango Flash Fiction Challenge #269

The image below is from eberhard ✋🏻grossgasteiger on Unsplash.

The sun was beginning to set behind the mountains and we were so close to the summit. We weren’t sure what we would find there, as stories talked about sculptures and stone carvings. Surprisingly, it was a cross we saw, a simple cross made of weathered wood. As I remembered my childhood I saw my father there, digging the deep hole for the base, while mother nailed the posts together. It had been a family ritual, to build a cross and place it in a location loved by all family members. Ours had been by the ocean, carefully dug into a sand dune, so as to maintain the sand dune’s integrity. When the sun set that night we watched as it lowered itself into the sea, casting a reddish glow behind the cross. I don’t know if the cross is still there; I haven’t been there in forever, but this was a sign it was time to go back.


  1. I’m sorry, your comment went into my spam comments. That’s why it’s taken me so long to read and respond.

    I like how you describe the memory so vividly. It’s like a blending of time. Thanks so much for joining in!🙏🏻❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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