Haibun Monday 5/20/24: May Transience


This week, let’s imbue our haibun with mono no aware. Write on any topic that you like (although bonus points to any choosing one related to May) as long as your haibun embodies that wistful sadness marking the beauty of transience.

May continues

Before May begins the world welcomes the rain, hoping to nourish the life under the darkest soil. The nights remain chilly until the sun warms the day, drying the raindrops and dew. Days pass slowly, spring has finally begun. As we enter the month of May we say goodbye to the cool evenings and welcome the sunny days. We are amazed at the growth and the new life emerging. With all the new growth, wonderment disappears.

Flowers are now grown
All the secrets are revealed
Now we wait again

©2024 CBialczak


  1. A pensive haibun, Christine, and you are right, ‘with all the new growth, wonderment disappears’. I love the idea that ‘all the secrets are revealed’. I’m still waiting for the secrets of the meadow flower seeds I sowed.

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