Fandango’s Dog Days of August #28

Today Fandango wants to know what my favorite season is:

January is too cold

February is over-rated as the month of love

March is bland

April is when I start getting excited because it isn’t cold but it isn’t hot
So April starts my favorite season even though it is in the middle of the season

May is good too

June used to be okay but now it is the anniversary of losing my husband so it starts that blah feeling

July starts awesome because my daughter was born on the 6th then it goes down hill to the anniversary of losing my son

August is too damn hot

September is okay but the gross spiders start coming out

October is awful for spiders

November is my birthday and Thanksgiving so it is okay

December is December


  1. Spring always brings the renewal we need after the winter, and Autumn always brings the cooler weather needed to recuperate from the heat of summer. Both mean hope to me and hope is all we have now that so many dreams are lost.

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  2. So April and May are really the only good spots on the calendar? Spring and Autumn are my faves. Mostly because the weather isn’t boiling hot or subzero cold! So sorry to hear that so many losses have cut short your favorite seasons…

    Liked by 1 person

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